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Current Projects


Balancing Act: Buildings and Energy


We all know that form follows function, but as we look at the history of buildings, we see there is a direct relationship between  form and energy. The shapes our buildings take are influenced by the cost and availability of energy, and as we move to a future with sharply increasing energy costs, our buildings, which use 40%  of ALL PRIMARY ENERGY we create, must change. We must develop buildings and homes that are more resilient and can withstand  the quickly changing climate. This can reduce our carbon footprint, and keep money in the country that can be used to create jobs. This film follows the story of the evolution of buildings, and shows how the PASSIVE HOUSE building approach can help foster energy independence.

Coven of Celsus: Elizabeth

Coven of Celsus is a dark, sexy vampire story written as a terrifying novel by Randy V.  With the author’s collaboration, filmmaker Jeff Wager is turning this into a richly textured, intense, and thrilling film. The first part in realizing this project is a low budget yet beautifully crafted investment trailer, which, if all goes well will serve as a blueprint for the higher budget feature to follow. This is key in helping Jeff and crew realize their dream of having the freedom to explore the limits of what the art of filmmaking can be!


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